Scientists' move: Izvestia collected bright discoveries for the Day of Russian Science
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- Scientists' move: Izvestia collected bright discoveries for the Day of Russian Science

Russian scientists are creating unique materials for heart surgery, making fuel from food waste, finding ancient treasures and developing bioengineered eardrums. On the eve of the Day of Russian Science, which is held in the country on February 8, "Izvestia" collected bright discoveries of researchers from universities and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Materials for cardiovascular surgery
Specialists of Tomsk Polytechnic University have developed an original technology for the production of scaffolds for cardiovascular surgery from domestic materials and with the help of Russian equipment. These are structures that are usually used as artificial pericardium or blood vessels of the heart. Until recently, most of them were produced abroad and it was important to perform their import substitution.
- There are intrapolymers that we make in Russia. For example, polytetrafluoroethylene. It is similar in its properties and structure to the foreign one, from which these implants are made. But we didn't have our own technology for their production, and we developed it," Evgeny Bolbasov, director of the Center for Additive Technologies at Tomsk Polytechnic University, RNF grantee, told Izvestia.
To solve this problem, scientists used the method of electroforming, which consists in the impact on the polymer spinning solution by an electric field of high intensity. After this procedure, a special collector collects the resulting porous structure, which is well integrated with human tissues. If necessary, the size of the pores in it can be adjusted. The scientists have already completed the preclinical stage of development, having successfully tested their products on cells and animals, the specialist added.
Ancient treasure trove of silver jewelry
Research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences have recently made a number of important discoveries. Thus, a hoard of the last quarter of the X century with silver jewelry and coins was discovered by an expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences during excavations on the Sofia side of Veliky Novgorod. The find includes about 1800 whole and fragmented silver coins and more than 80 silver ornaments. The total weight of the treasure is about 3 kg.
- Archaeologists know not so many crosses in Russia, precisely dated to the second half of the X century. The context of the finds points to the connection of these objects with the social elite and military-trading environment. The cross of the Vozdvizhensky hoard speaks about the appearance of Christian objects in Novgorod before the official adoption of baptism by Vladimir and their initial use among the nobility, local, Novgorod, origin or was part of the prince's entourage, - said the director of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Academician Nikolai Makarov.
Stabilization of underwater vehicles
The Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has come up with a way to stabilize autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles during research work by means of a manipulator.
"It is expedient to perform some operations in hovering mode, as there is no agitation of the benthic layers. Inaddition, the robot can take the most convenient position relative to the research object. However, the drone hovering in the water column is exposed to forces from the working manipulator, as well as forceful contact of the working tool with the object of work. These effects deflect the UAV from the initial position, which makes it difficult or impossible to perform the required operation," the scientists explained in the article that accompanies the application for registration of the invention and issuance of a patent.
To mitigate the negative aspects, the researchers came up with a mechanism in which gyroscopic sensors and navigation system monitor the position of the apparatus, and in the case of a threat of loss of equilibrium onboard computer sends the appropriate commands to the mobility drives. They compensate for the effects of the manipulator on the vehicle.
Fuel from food waste
Russian scientists have developed a new technology for converting food waste into fuel. The work was carried out as part of a joint Russian-Indian project. The proposed solution will be applied on the campuses of higher educational institutions in India. For these purposes, our experts modified the well-known method of anaerobic bioconversion, in which food residues are processed by bacteria.
- This method of digestion has long been known. It is used, for example, at our sewage treatment plants. But there it is a one-stage system. All the sludge goes into one reactor. But we divided it into two reactors with different conditions. Microorganisms involved in anaerobic bioconversion are grown in them. In the first stage, we get hydrogen gas. Then the waste goes to the second stage, where we get methane," Andrei Kovalev, chief researcher of the Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center of VIM, RNF grantee, told Izvestia.
For processing, the waste must be heated. For this purpose, the scientists decided to use solar energy. And to accelerate the processing of garbage into methane, the microorganisms are affected by a weak current. Compared to classical approaches, the developers managed to increase the yield of hydrogen in seven and methane in three times. Theoretically, the technology can be applied in Russia as well, if there are customers for it, the experts explained.
Biomedical cell products
Sechenov University is launching the production of personalized biomedical cellular products. As the university told Izvestia, BICPs for the restoration of vocal folds and eardrums are now fully ready for use in clinical practice.
- Cells - a very sensitive material to external conditions, with prolonged manipulation without special conditions, they die, so the production and transportation of BICP simply can not be long. In general, nothing changes for the patient in principle: he goes to the clinic, undergoes examination and receives treatment," Mikhail Svistushkin, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases of Sechenov University, told Izvestia.
Employees of the Institute of Regenerative Medicine are already investigating the effectiveness of BICP for the restoration of the ureter on animals. Clinical trials are planned for 2026.
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