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The issues of civil aviation development became the main ones during the first day of the NAIS-2025 exhibition, which started on February 5 at Crocus Expo in Moscow. Anton Alikhanov, Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade , announced the first deliveries of Tu-214 aircraft in 2025, and also spoke about plans to expand production of IL-76 transport aircraft. The ODK stand presented for the first time the PD-8 engine for the import-substituted SJ-100, which is to start certification flights soon. A significant part of the exhibition is devoted to unmanned systems, which should work in conjunction with large aviation. The details are in the Izvestia report.

How big aviation will develop

The National Civil Aviation Infrastructure Exhibition NAIS-2025 became the largest in its history and gathered 140 companies from Russia, Belarus, China and Iran. It was expected that it would be attended by more than 7 thousand specialists, and it was indeed justified. The corridors of the forum were jammed due to the influx of industry delegates.

During the plenary session, the head of the Ministry of Transport Roman Starovoit and the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Anton Alikhanov announced large-scale changes in civil aviation in 2025.

Despite the fact that in 2024 Russian airlines carried 5% more passengers than in 2023, and seat occupancy is approaching the critical value of 96%, our country has the potential for passenger traffic growth, the participants noted.

Россия. Москва. Стенд «Аэрпорты регионов» на 12-й Национальной выставке и форуме инфраструктуры гражданской авиации NAIS в Крокус Экспо.
Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

According to Roman Starovoit, the development is possible due to "wet leasing", when airplanes are leased together with crews, as well as with the expansion of mechanisms for maintaining airworthiness of airplanes.

The head of Rosaviatsia Dmitry Yadrov expects that in 2025 there will be a slight correction of passenger traffic from 111.7 million to 109.7 million due to reaching the threshold of aircraft fleet capacity.

The fact is that Russia is in need of new airliners, as the operating fleet cannot cope with demand and requires preventive measures. Anton Alikhanov assured that the wait for new domestic airliners is not long - the first deliveries of Tu-214 airplanes are scheduled for this year. In addition, import substitution of promising SSJ-100, MS-21 is being completed and the issue of expanding production of transport Il-76 is being considered.

- We have seven major types of aircraft in various stages of certification work. The main task is to start flight tests of the import-substituted SJ-100 on PD-8 engines. We have the groundwork and opportunities to launch MS-21," the Minister said. - Its first deliveries for airlines will start in 2026. And this year we will deliver the first Tu-214s within the framework of contracts approved in the KPGA (program for the development of the aviation industry until 2030). In November 2024, the new Tu-214 made its first flight.

Россия. Москва. Стенд Объединенной авиастроительной корпорации на 12-й Национальной выставке и форуме инфраструктуры гражданской авиации NAIS в Крокус Экспо
Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

According to Alikhanov, the aviation industry is undergoing a major transformation to work on import substitution.

- No country has done such work and creates its own airplanes entirely on its own technological base, except Russia," he added.

What engines were presented at NAIS-2025

At the exhibition, the United Engine Corporation presented for the first time a twin-circuit turbofan PD-8 assembled at ODK-Saturn in Rybinsk. These units are designed for the import-substituted SSJ-100 and are in the initial stage of certification testing. Soon their flight tests will begin.

. ПД-8 - российский двигатель семейства перспективных гражданских турбовентиляторных двигателей поколения 5 и 5+, создан на основе технических решений двигателя ПД-14, представленный на 12-й Национальной выставке и форуме инфраструктуры гражданской авиации NAIS в Крокус Экспо.
Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

According to the representatives of ODK-Saturn, the engine is a smaller twin of the larger PD-14, it repeats the main design and technological features, but has smaller dimensions, weight and thrust. It is manufactured using the latest domestic materials and advanced technologies, including 3D printing. The results of computer modeling are used to accelerate certification of the PD-8.

- In the near future, we expect the PD-8 to take to the air as part of the SSJ-100 passenger aircraft to pass the final stage of flight tests," said Vladimir Artyakov, First Deputy Director General of Rostec State Corporation.

There is also a mock-up of the PD-14 engine for the MS-21-300 at the stand of ODK. These airplanes are already being actively tested and are expected to enter serial production next year. Next to it is the TV7-117ST-01 turboprop engine for the IL-114-300 regional airplane. Here on the stand is an advanced VK-1600V engine for medium class helicopters with take-off weight of 5-8 tons, including Ka-62. This year the engines will go for flight tests.

Россия. Москва.ПД-14 - российский турбовентиляторный двигатель 5-го поколения с тягой на взлёте от 12,5 до 14 тонн, представленный на 12-й Национальной выставке и форуме инфраструктуры гражданской авиации NAIS в Крокус Экспо.
Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

Production capacities are also being expanded for import substitution of foreign-made parts. For example, the Protektor group of companies showed at NAIS structural elements for the modernized Tu-214 airliner. The same company put into operation in Domodedovo a workshop for the repair and production of aircraft parts for foreign-made airplanes.

But S7 Airlines went even further and presented its own airplane. The subsidiary company Spectra has developed and built a small four-seater machine made of composite. The plane can fly at speeds of up to 240 km/h at altitudes of up to 4000 meters.

- On the plane it is possible to practice pilot training programs for pilots of passenger airliners, - Spectra CEO Alexander Stepanov told Izvestia.

Unmanned systems and

A separate sector of unmanned aircraft systems and UAV countermeasures was organized within the forum for the first time. Among the participants: VKO Concern Almaz-Antey, Neoscan, Avangard and other manufacturers.

Neoscan CEO Dmitry Moskalevich told Izvestia that the company presented a technology for defense against unmanned aircraft. It allows suppressing UAVs without affecting the work of aviation.

Россия. Москва. Стенд компании «Транспорт будущего» на 12-й Национальной выставке и форуме инфраструктуры гражданской авиации NAIS в Крокус Экспо.
Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

According to Viktor Solomentsev, deputy general director for development and scientific work at Azimut, this year drones are emphasized prominently.

- We realize that large aviation and drones will fly together, and it will be for a long time. So, we need to make technologies to avoid aviation accidents," he told Izvestia.

At the stand of Azimut, a Rostec company, a vertical takeoff and landing UAV with a controlled thrust vector is on display . Depending on the need, it can simulate helicopter, missile or airplane scenarios.

In addition, the exhibit showcased the radar's UAV detection performance. Alexander Nefediev, vice president, financial director of the Avangard Design and Installation Center (PMC), noted that the development can also provide information on the emergence of a threat from quadrocopter-type drones. According to him, the range of data dissemination is about 6 km. The complex integrated means of electronic suppression. Thus, in case of its action quadrocopters can hover, return to the place of launch or be suppressed.

Россия. Москва. Стенд компании «Транспорт будущего» на 12-й Национальной выставке и форуме инфраструктуры гражданской авиации NAIS в Крокус Экспо.
Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

Drones of civilian application and infrastructure solutions are actively presented at NAIS c 2019, noted the press service of the exhibition. And since 2024, the exposition has been supplemented with technologies to ensure comprehensive anti-drone protection of infrastructure facilities.

The platform will work on February 5 and 6. It is already known that this exhibition will be the largest for all 12 years of NAIS history.

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