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The authorities have agreed to start regulating installment payments from the amount of Br60 thousand (before that the threshold of Br15 thousand was discussed), Anatoly Aksakov, head of the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets, told Izvestia. Data on free installments above this amount will be taken into account in the credit history of citizens. This also applies to the so-called "payment in installments" on the Internet. In the future, the threshold is planned to be lowered. This will lead to the fact that it will become more difficult for customers with installments to obtain a regular consumer loan, and even a mortgage.

What installments will be taken into account in the credit history

It is decided to regulate installments to begin with 60 thousand rubles, Anatoly Aksakov told "Izvestia". The head of the Duma Committee on the financial market explained: information about the issuance of free installments above this amount will be transferred to the BCI and accounted for in the credit history of citizens. It is also planned to introduce regulations and requirements of the Central Bank to such products.

The discussion on the regulation of installments, including the so-called "payment by installments" on the Internet, has been going on for more than a year. The current version of the bill, introduced in the State Duma in August 2024, suggests that operators of services will be obliged to transfer information on the issuance of installments to the credit bureaus if the purchase amount exceeds 15 thousand rubles. The document has not yet been adopted in the first reading.

Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

Installment is actually lending, so it's important to regulate this market, added the deputy. According to him, it is now decided to start with Br60 thousand, that is, the threshold is revised.

However, then it will be gradually reduced, and quite quickly. This is necessary to close the "credit loophole" and remove risks, emphasized Aksakov. He noted: as a result, the figure will still be reduced to Br15 thousand, but taking into account inflation. That is, in the end it will be a little higher.

In February, the bill on the regulation of installments will definitely be considered in the State Duma, concluded the deputy. It will concern BNPL-services (Buy Now Pay Later). They allow you to pay the purchase price in several installments over a month and a half or two months. Among the market participants, for example, Sovcombank ("Parts"), Sberbank ("Pay in installments"), "Yandex" ("Split").

BNPL services are a form of lending for the purchase of goods and services, said Mikhail Aleksin, CEO of the United Credit Bureau (UCB). Therefore, in his opinion, along with classic loans, these products should be controlled - to protect the rights of consumers. Regulation of installments also supported in T-Bank.

Photo: Izvestia/Mitriy Korotayev

The market considers it an optimal solution to regulate installments from the amount of 60 thousand. Such a limit is a good compromise that will allow customers to continue to use BNPL-services to pay for some of the popular categories of purchases, said the press service of "Yandex". They added: for example, this amount will be enough for household appliances and electronics, furniture, repair goods and clothing, but most likely will not be enough to pay for travel and educational courses.

In addition, BNPL is an important tool for small and medium-sized businesses. The limit of 60 thousand rubles will allow them to further develop their activities by increasing sales and attracting new audiences, according to Yandex.

Earlier in T-Bank also said that they consider it necessary to revise the limit in a larger direction - up to 60 thousand, said the press service of the financial organization.

Why because of the "payment in installments" will be able to refuse a mortgage or other credit

The compromise found (that is, the gradual reduction of the maximum amount of installments, for which you can not report to the BCI) confirms that the Central Bank is convinced that the users of these services should have the same rights and the same protection as ordinary borrowers, stressed the founder of the service "Kredchek" Elman Mehdiyev.

The proposed regulation will prevent Russians from increasing their debt load too much, said Natalia Milchakova, a leading analyst at Freedom Finance Global.

However, on the other hand, the transfer of installment data to the BCI may make it more difficult to obtain loans if a person has already bought several goods through BNPL services, because it will affect their credit history, explained Maxim Kolyadov, head of retail banking at insurance broker AMsec24.

Photo: Izvestia/Mitriy Korotayev

Banks check information about a client's debt load before issuing a loan. After learning about high debt on installments, they may refuse new loans - it all comes down to what risks the financial institution is willing to assume, added Elman Mehdiyev, founder of the Kredchek service.

So, for example, if a person has a low income, no existing loans, but a lot of executed installments, these products can be the very barrier to obtaining a mortgage, said the expert.

In addition, will affect the Central Bank restrictions on loans for customers with high debt load - macroprudential limits, they have become the most effective mechanism to reduce the creditworthiness of individuals, added Elman Mehdiyev.

Izvestia Reference

Macroprudential limits are direct restrictions on issuing loans to borrowers with high debt burden index (DLI). The Central Bank consistently tightened them in 2023 and 2024, primarily for unsecured loans. In the first quarter of 2025, banks are allowed to issue such loans to Russians with HLI more than 80% (that is, those who spend more than 80% of income to repay debts), but the share of such loans in the total volume of loans can not exceed 3%. And cash loans to citizens who spend on debt repayment from 50 to 80% of income, should occupy a share of a maximum of 15%.

This means that at a certain level of indebtedness banks simply will not have the right to give the client a new loan.

Previously, when applying for loans often installments were not visible, so it was difficult to comprehensively assess the borrower, explained the head of product development department of MC "Alfa Capital" Anna Gondusova. Although, in fact, his payments on BNPL may not be able to service other debts.

The new requirements will change the picture. In addition, after the new law comes into force, it will be more difficult to get a new installment plan, said Natalia Milchakova from Freedom Finance Global. Because such products will actually be equated to consumer loans.

Photo: Izvestia/Alexander Kazakov

However, these measures may somewhat slow down the expansion of the BNPL market, the expert believes. In 2024, it grew by 67% at once, up to 300 billion rubles. And in 2025 it may reach 400 billion, increasing by a third.

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