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- "Astronauts will practice missions to ROS and expeditions to the moon"

"Astronauts will practice missions to ROS and expeditions to the moon"

A teledroid robot is being trained at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. Similar devices will function on the orbital stations ROS and ISS, as well as on the lunar base. About this "Izvestia" told the head of the center Maxim Kharlamov. The meeting with him took place on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the organization. The head also reported on the creation of simulator analogs of the Russian advanced spacecraft of the new generation. On them will be practiced orbital missions and flights to the moon.
"We are creating means to train cosmonauts for expeditions on the Russian spacecraft of the new generation"
- Maxim Mikhailovich, what innovations are being introduced in the process of cosmonaut training?
- It should be said that the most effective approach in preparation for space flights is individual work, when the instructor and the cosmonaut interact with each other face to face. This tradition was established during the training of the first squadron and remains unchanged to this day. At the same time, methods are constantly being improved.
On the other hand, the Space Center lives by the same tasks that the entire space industry is living by. Therefore, the projects of Roscosmos State Corporation in the sphere of manned flights, of course, become our tasks as well. Now we are actively working on the development of means to prepare cosmonauts for expeditions on the new generation Russian spacecraft and the Russian Orbital Station (ROS).
The Cosmonaut Training Center (CPC) was established on January 11, 1960, its tasks included the preparation of cosmonauts for manned flights. The organization was placed in the forest near the military airfield. The settlement was named Zeleny Gorodok. Now all over the world it is known as Star City. Over the years of its existence, its specialists have developed unique methods, training materials, simulator systems and other training complexes to prepare people for space flights.
- Please tell us about these projects.
- At present, the Center is assembling a complex simulator of the PTC (manned transport spacecraft). In fact, it is a ground analog of a spaceship. In total, at least three similar training complexes will be built. The simulator will be used by cosmonauts to practice orbital missions to ROS and expeditions to the Moon.
Since PTC is a fundamentally new ship, the filling of the simulator is completely innovative. It is equipped with systems that were not present on previous versions. The new equipment will make it possible to simulate more flight modes and abnormal situations. This will help better prepare crews for upcoming missions.
For example, the new simulator will be able to change the pressure in the spacesuit, which will make it possible to simulate its depressurization. Another innovation is that this training complex can change the inclination of astronauts' seats by 30 degrees. This will make it possible to create comfortable conditions during training.
- When will the new simulator start training?
- The simulator is assembled from autonomous parts. Now the control and monitoring console is installed and equipped, the crew doctor's workplace is equipped, communication, power supply and other systems are implemented. In summer, the first training sessions will begin on the simulator. They will include the study of the ship design, work with the equipment. Cosmonauts will start training for manned flights on PTC simulators in 2027.
We also cooperate with RSC Energia, the lead organization for the development of the Russian orbital station ROS. The corporation's specialists have already delivered equipment for the first training complex.
Also within the framework of the new project, the CPC is testing a new robotic stand - an analog of the teledroid robot.
"Robots will be used to perform operations on the ROS and lunar base"
- What tasks will this teledroid perform in the future?
- It is an anthropomorphic robot that is designed to work in space conditions. It will function both in automatic mode and with the help of teleoperation (when the robot repeats human movements). Also visual and audio information about the situation in the working area of the robot will be transmitted to the operator in a virtual reality helmet or on the control panel.
The robots will be used to perform operations on the ROS and lunar base, as well as in outer space during extravehicular activities. They will assist astronauts in performing various tasks and conducting experiments. In the future, teledroids will be able to partially replace crews during their absence. It will be possible to direct the robots' actions remotely - from the Mission Control Center.
- Is there a risk that robots will replace humans in space?
- In general, we adhere to the concept that robots should be assistants, not substitutes for astronauts. Machines will be able to take over the most labor-intensive and routine operations. In the future, when the level of artificial intelligence grows, robots will be able to provide higher-level support. Then they will become, in a sense, partners of humans.
The product that is being tested now also has elements of artificial intelligence. In particular, having received a command, teledroid will be able to plan the order of the operation to perform it. For example, he himself will find and press the right button.
At the same time, when the robot will act in teleoperation mode, it will be able to learn new skills from a human, memorizing operations that it has not done before. In the future, it will be able to perform them on its own.
- When will the teledroid fly into space?
- It is expected that the flight tests of the apparatus will take place already this year. He will go to the Russian segment of the ISS. Previously there tested the robot "Fedora". The results of past experiments, by the way, are taken into account in the new product.
In particular, cosmonaut Alexander Skvortsov, working with "Fedor" in orbit, reported that he is hampered by the lack of a sense of effort when he gives the robot a command to take in the "hands" of the object with the help of telecontrol. This was corrected, and now when touching objects, the operator feels vibrations in his palms and fingers.
Also, on the recommendation of cosmonauts Anna Kikina and Dmitry Petelin, who tested the teledroid in the CPC, a rear-view camera was added to it. This increased the viewing area and improved the controllability of the vehicle.
"On Russian spacecraft, Russian is used as an operational language"
- Will the CPC train space tourists?
- Programs to prepare for such flights have been worked out. We work closely with Glavkosmos, a company that, on behalf of Roscosmos, negotiates with potential tourists who intend to travel on a Russian spacecraft and visit the ISS or ROS station.
Thisincludes international partners. If the contacts are completed successfully, we are ready to accept such groups for flight training.
- How long will the training of non-professional cosmonauts last?
- The training time will depend on the tasks of a particular mission. In addition to physical training, safety minimums and a basic set of operations, the tourists will also work out on Earth the experiments they plan to perform in orbit. In addition, they need to master the Russian language at a certain level. Russian is used as an operational language on Russian spacecraft and orbital stations.
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