Tagged: carriers warned of risks of cargo delays from January 27

Carriers have warned of possible delays in cargo delivery and a rise in prices for goods. Small shuttle trade may also slow down, Izvestiya has learned. From January 27, import and sale of a number of goods in Russia and Belarus without navigation seals will be impossible, said the Federal Customs Service and the Center for Development of Digital Platforms. The relevant document of the Union State will come into force on this date. The measure will affect alcohol and tobacco, clothing, footwear, electronics and other non-food products. In this way, the authorities expect to strengthen the fight against counterfeiting and smuggling. Who can oppose the innovation and what problems await the industry - in the material "Izvestia".
Navigational seals on imported goods
From January 27, 2025 on the territory of the Union State of Russia and Belarus for the transportation by road of "a wide range of imported and exported goods" will require the use of electronic navigation seals, reported "Izvestia" in the Federal Customs Service (FCS).
"The devices will be applied and removed" at checkpoints across the Russian border, as well as at control points in the neighboring republic, the Center for the Development of Digital Platforms (CDPP, the sealing operator) specified. To do this, carriers will need to register an electronic account on the operator's website. Such seals are now used on railway transport to control transit cargoes.
When crossing the border of the Union State in the customs transit regime, the navigation seal will be installed on the door of the vehicle. The specialized information system, to which the FCS will have access, will receive data on the route, movement, facts of removal or tampering, loss of signal or low charge of the device, Alexander Yurishchev, ILC Operations Director, told Izvestia. The seal will be removed upon arrival at the customs post of destination. For business in this case will reduce the risk of losses due to shortages and theft, as it is not easy to forge or open such devices, he notes.
Information on the movement of cargo will go to the CRCP and the FCS - to stop the illegal importation of goods from third countries, the customs service added.
The order of navigational sealing of vehicles was determined after the decree of the Supreme State Council of the Union State of December 6, 2024 № 7 "On certain measures to counter illegal import of goods" came into force. At present, preparations are being made to start the practical implementation of the measure, the FCS noted. It is known that the program involves the Ministry of Transport, Rostransnadzor, Federal Tax Service and Rosalkogoltabakkontrol.
- Navigation seals have been successfully working in Belarus for a long time, - Yuri Fioshkin, deputy general director for multimodal transportation of BMJ-logistics, told "Izvestia".
When leaving the terminal-logistics center, individual cars with goods are sealed with these devices and customs can see in real time the path of the truck, as well as the places of its stops and possible deviations from the route, said the market participant. A similar principle will now be extended to the Russian Federation, the expert noted.
According to the information of the CRCP, a wide range of goods fall under the sealing. These are imported tobacco and alcohol products, including food alcohol, malt beer, red wines, grape must, vermouth and others; tobacco raw materials, cigars and cigarettes, as well as nicotine substitutes for electronic pipes.
According to the National Scientific Competence Center for Combating Illicit Trafficking of Industrial Products (NSCIC), the share of illicit tobacco product trafficking in the Russian Federation in the third quarter of 2024 decreased to 10.8% in terms of the smoking population of the country and 11.4% in terms of the entire population of the country. Despite the positive dynamics, this type of illicit trafficking remains the most significant, occupying 53% in the structure of illicit trafficking. As noted in the CDCP, seals will help to cope with this flow.
The new order of registration concerns a wide range of clothes: coats, capes, raincoats, jackets, windbreakers, storm jackets, knitted knitted, cotton clothes, shoes, etc. The list of mandatory sealing is as follows. The list for mandatory sealing also includes electronics, cell phones, wireless communication equipment, video and audio devices, music and TV and radio equipment, monitors, projectors and much more.
According to Alexander Yurishchev, it is important that software suppliers and manufacturers of navigation seals are able to meet the demand of carriers and participants of foreign economic activity and do not allow a shortage of equipment.
According to the press service of JSC "RZD Logistics", a short-term shortage of seals is possible due to an increase in demand that exceeds production capacity, but with competent regulation and development of capacity, the demand will be satisfied.
At the same time, Rostransnadzor informed Izvestia that the market is provided with the necessary number of navigation devices to avoid shortages. The editorial board sent an inquiry to the Ministry of Transport.
What will the introduction of navigation seals for cargo transportation give to the market?
Izvestia's source in the industry noted that any whitewashing of the market always leads to price adjustments.
- Gray schemes are often used in transport logistics, especially by small, little-known players," he said. - Any whitewashing will always lead to higher prices. For big players, the more transparent the market, the better. But for small players it's the other way around. The latter will either be forced to leave the market altogether or will also raise prices," the carrier said.
Another source told Izvestia that large retailers use sea and rail transport to deliver goods, so the FCS initiative will not affect them. The innovation will be sensitive for small and medium-sized businesses engaged in shuttle trade, he believes.
It should be noted that the seal will have to be put not on the batch of cargo, but on the car to track unauthorized unloading, said "Izvestia" head of the procurement department for international transportation FM Logistic in Russia Evgeny Dyatlov. And this makes it difficult for small carriers working with different categories of goods.
According to Mikhail Koptev, commercial director of the federal transportation company Skif-Cargo, in the short term, there may be temporary delays in cargo delivery due to the need to adapt to the new procedure.
- Carriers will have to invest additional funds to connect to the system," Artem Vaskanyan, deputy general director for logistics at 3PL-operator NC Logistic, told Izvestia. - I do not exclude that connection to the system will initially lead to certain unrest, as not all participants are ready for it.
According to ILC data, the cost of using a navigation seal in Belarus for one trip varies around €120. The data on how much this device will cost for Russian carriers is not given.
According to NC Logistic, when working with navigation seals there may be technical problems, among which is jamming of GPS. In areas where the signal does not pass, it will be necessary to enter geolocation data manually. The human factor increases the risk of transmitting incorrect information.
- Not all small carriers will be able to implement this project, while large ones, on the contrary, will strengthen their positions. Expenses of logistics companies will naturally increase and will eventually affect the final cost of transportation and product, - continues Artem Vaskanyan.
To some extent, the introduction of navigation seals will theoretically contribute to the monopolization of the market, says Mikhail Koptev, commercial director of Skif-Kargo.
- Certain players with a stronger technical base will adapt to the new requirements faster and more efficiently. Additional costs of carriers will be included in the cost of transportation, and this may lead to an increase in prices for goods at retailers, - believes a market participant.
However, in the long term, the system should optimize routes and reduce the time of goods delivery, the expert summed up.
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