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Russia wants to allow repairs with second-hand spare parts under CMTPL insurance at the level of the law. The Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RAMI) has sent a letter with this proposal to the government and deputies. The Cabinet of Ministers has already instructed specialized departments to work on the initiative. The Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance emphasized that it is important to prevent a decrease in road safety and the quality of repairs. The Research Institute of Motor Transport conducted a study for this purpose. They recommended to allow repair with second-hand parts only for cars older than six years and to introduce restrictions on a number of categories of cars and components. How much it will reduce the cost and terms of repair - in the material "Izvestia".

What parts are used to repair cars under CMTPL insurance?

In Russia is actively working on the issue of authorizing the use of used spare parts in repair under CMTPL insurance. The letter with a proposal to make such changes to the law RAMI addressed to the chairman of the government Mikhail Mishustin and deputies (Izvestia has the document).

The Cabinet of Ministers has sent a request to the relevant ministries to work on the initiative, a source familiar with the discussion told Izvestia. "Izvestia has sent a request to the government.

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The letter from RAMI emphasizes that the sanctions have led to the withdrawal of many automakers from the Russian market, disruption of logistics chains, and lengthening the delivery time of spare parts by two to three times. There is a shortage of many new imported parts and their cost has increased. Restrictions affected more than 60 million passenger cars of individuals.

Taking into account the increased terms of delivery of components, service stations refuse to take knowingly unrealizable obligations to repair in 30 days. Therefore, the restoration of cars under CMTPL becomes almost impossible, noted in the materials to the letter. The share of repairs under compulsory motor third party liability insurance has fallen below 5%, in other cases, customers are reimbursed with money. As a rule, it is problematic for them.

To solve the problem in RAMI proposed to allow the use of used spare parts in certain cases without the consent of the client and give the government the right to establish requirements for such components. The proposed practice is actively used abroad, the letter says.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

Now in Russia, the law allows to do it only upon the approval of the car owner - the market already has such proposals from insurers.

Earlier, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank reported that such a possibility could be considered if industry safety guarantees are adopted. At a meeting of the expert council on consumer protection, RAMI was instructed to work out the technical requirements for such details. The Ministry of Transport agreed to involve the Research Institute of Automobile Transport (NIIAT) in the preparation of proposals. A study was conducted there, and the results are attached to the letter from the Motor Insurers' Union.

Why to use old parts in car repair

NIIAT proposed to allow the use of used spare parts without the client's consent, provided that the requirements for their quality and safety are met. The innovation will reduce the number of service stations that refuse to repair under MTPL. At the same time, the price of car restoration will be reduced by 10-15%, and the term - up to 90%, the document says.


The institute proposed to establish a nomenclature of spare parts that can be reused. At the same time, it recommended to introduce a number of restrictions:

- to allow the use of used parts for auto repair only older than six years;

- prohibit the use of such parts for a number of categories of cars, including urban land electric vehicles, racing and training cars, special services, fire department, ambulance and equipment for the transportation of dangerous goods;

- prohibit the reuse of a whole range of components - airbags and seat belts, electronic control units, steering interlock devices that affect the steering pad, mufflers, equipment for supplying the engine with gaseous fuel and others.

In addition, it is necessary to prescribe requirements for taking into account the wear and tear of used components when performing repairs, the study says. And also to introduce rules for diagnostics of auto residues and reuse of parts. In addition, the institute proposed to introduce voluntary certification of such parts.

Whether it is safe to use used spare parts in repair

When the Ministry of Industry and Trade receives specific proposals from RAMI, they will be considered, reported "Izvestia" in the department. There added: the Ministry has also developed draft changes that affect the rules of restoration of auto parts for their subsequent use. It introduces a list of components that cannot be reused. Among them are airbags and seat belts, electronic control units, sensors, steering locking devices.

Photo: Izvestia/Konstantin Kokoshkin

The Bank of Russia's position on this initiative will be formulated after assessing the possible risks and benefits of its implementation, the Central Bank's press service told Izvestia. They added: in order to solve the issue of using used spare parts, a control system and a methodology for assessing the quality of such parts are needed. Safety on the road is an absolute priority, the regulator emphasized. There should be no new accidents due to repairs made with used parts.

It is important for the Ministry of Finance not to allow a decrease in the quality of insurance services, as well as incomplete or dangerous repairs of vehicles using parts of unsatisfactory quality, said the press service of the agency. "Izvestia" also sent an inquiry to the Ministry of Transport.

The results of NIIAT research confirm the possibility of reusing components that meet safety requirements, said Evgeny Ufimtsev, head of RAMI. According to him, such parts should not have any damage, their shape and trade dress cannot be disturbed either.

- As far as we know, government instructions for the implementation of such changes have already been sent to a number of ministries. We have already started work on the preparation and discussion of these initiatives with specialized agencies," added Evgeny Ufimtsev.

Photo: IZVESTIYA/Andrei Ershtrem

He emphasized: the innovation will help customers not to waste time on a long wait for new spare parts and get repair service "here and now". It will also allow to increase the share of repairs under CMTPL insurance from the current 5%.

Now insurers have to mostly pay compensation in money, but this amount takes into account depreciation (if the car is not new, the person will get less), explained Alexei Bredikhin, director of the group of ratings of financial institutions ACRA Alexei Bredikhin. According to him, these funds are often not enough to buy spare parts and repairs. Therefore, the use of second-hand parts will meet both the interests of companies and clients, the expert believes.

Now there is a rapid aging of the car fleet, as well as the average payment on MTPL insurance is growing, follows from the data of the National Insurance Information System. Thus, it amounted to Br92 thousand for cars up to three years old in 11 months of 2024. Moreover, it has almost quadrupled over the year.

Photo: Izvestia/Mitriy Korotayev

AlfaStrakhovanie and Yugoria supported the initiative. At the same time, it is important to prescribe exhaustive criteria and a list of cases in which it is acceptable to use used spare parts, says Svyatoslav Shuvalov, Director of the Department of loss settlement of "Yugoria".

The minimum age of cars for which this is allowed can be set at three years, says Rinat Mamin, head of the partner relations department of Rosgosstrakh's Loss Adjustment unit. Igor Ivanov, vice-president of RESO-Guarantee, suggested that it is also worth solving the issues of certification of used parts and establishing a warranty for them.

The relaxation should apply only to parts that do not affect the safety of car operation, added Anton Pozhidaev, director of SberStrakhovanie's MTPL division. According to him, under such conditions, the initiative will really allow to reduce the time of repair under MTPL in conditions of temporary shortage of spare parts.


Now the terms of delivery of new parts are up to three months, said Igor Liukin, deputy general director of Absolut Insurance. At the same time, second-hand components may be not only available, but also half the price. The initiative will increase the availability of repairs for car owners, said Igor Liukin.

However, it is definitely impossible to launch it without working out the whole system, is sure co-owner of insurance broker Mainsgroup Sergey Khudyakov. He reminded: MTPL is a product with the help of which a large share of citizens get acquainted with the insurance market.

Igor Liukin agreed: if all aspects are not provided for, the quality of repairs may decrease, the number of thefts may increase due to the shortage of used spare parts, and it is possible that new disputes between insurers and car owners will arise.

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