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Russia will have special routes, infrastructure and separate tariffs for vacationing families with children. And businesses that will provide such services will be granted incentives. It is also planned to develop a national standard "Tourism for families with children", which will define the requirements for infrastructure, quality and safety. All these provisions will be spelled out in a new bill on social tourism, the preparation of which has begun the specialized committee of the State Duma. The tour industry is ready to support the initiative, but business representatives have questions about its implementation.

How families with children will be able to save money on travel

The State Duma is developing a law on social tourism, which will be aimed at the development of special routes, infrastructure, creation of hotel rooms for families with children. For example, it is planned that there will be a special tariff for trips of large families, and the business that will provide such services will be provided with benefits.

On the development of new norms by the specialized committee of the State Duma on the development of tourism and tourism infrastructure is stated in the recommendations on the results of parliamentary hearings. According to the document, which was studied by "Izvestia", the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Transport, Rosstandart, as well as regional authorities are involved in the elaboration.

Номер в отеле
Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

In particular, the government is proposed to develop a list of priority socially significant types of tourism, including the category of "tourism of families with children". In addition, it is recommended to form a unified base of family tourist routes, providing visits to objects and events aimed at preserving traditional family values. The Cabinet of Ministers should also consider the development and implementation of a set of measures for state support of entrepreneurial initiatives aimed at the development of such tourism.

Rosstandart was recommended to develop and approve the national standard "Tourism of families with children". According to the document, it should specify the main requirements for the organization of such recreation - in particular, to the infrastructure, equipping facilities with special equipment and inventory, to the safety of services.

Among other innovations - the Ministry of Transport is working out the issue of introducing the tariff "Large family" to ensure the possibility of purchasing air and rail tickets for groups of up to 15 people at the same time at a special tariff. And from the Ministry of Economic Development - the issue of establishing a separate category of rooms in hotels and hotels to accommodate large families.

Аэропорт люди
Photo: TASS/Andrey Gordeev

- Our committee is often approached with initiatives to introduce any type of tourism: automobile, ecological and others. But of all the types that are being proposed and discussed today, the most important is social tourism. Only it makes sense to legislate it. After all, it is first of all an opportunity for such groups of population as, for example, large families, participants in the SWO, to get access to the tourism industry," Sangadzhi Tarbaev, head of the Committee for Tourism Development and Tourism Infrastructure, explained to Izvestia.

According to him, this access should be based on government support, which can be expressed in benefits, subsidies, and opportunities for comfortable accommodation. Therefore, the committee is working on a bill that emphasizes social tourism, the deputy emphasized.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee Sergey Krivonosov told "Izvestia" that the category of citizens for whom social tourism will be available may include pensioners, disabled people, large families, low-income citizens, children and young people, including orphans, boarding school pupils, students and young professionals.

Photo: Global Look Press/West Coast Surfer

- The development of social tourism in Russia is important, for example, to improve the quality of life among social groups requiring support. Travel helps to improve both psychological and physical health of the population. It will also help develop the economy of the regions and promote interregional cultural exchange," he explained.

He noted that the committee is now working out mechanisms of state support for the realization of social tours in Russia for children and the elderly.

In the Ministry of Transport "Izvestia" reported that the Ministry is aware of this proposal of deputies to develop a special tariff for large families.

- The issue is currently being worked out. The key here is to find sources of funding for the realization of such an initiative. The Ministry fully supports the development of domestic tourism and implements a number of measures for this purpose, including subsidizing air transportation of passengers on the most demanded routes, - the press service of the Ministry informed.

"Izvestia" also sent requests to the government, the Ministry of Economic Development, Rosstandart with a request to comment on the measures proposed in the State Duma.

When families with children can get benefits for vacations

The initiative is ready to support in various factions of the lower house of Parliament.

- Social tourism will give the opportunity to vacation primarily to families with children, who today often do not have extra money for travel. In the conditions of Russia's course to support demography and stimulate the birth rate, it is a very important legislative decision to introduce this type of tourism," Anatoly Vyborny, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security from United Russia, told Izvestia.

According to him, it is good if both the state and the tourist business unite their efforts to develop such recreation.

Копилка с рублями
Photo: Izvestia/Anna Selina

- This bill can certainly be supported. We have categories of citizens who are not able to provide for the purchase of tourist vouchers. It is unacceptable when travel, for example, to Turkey on an "all-inclusive" system for a family is cheaper than a flight within the country, - said the head of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans' Affairs Yaroslav Nilov (LDPR).

The proposal of the deputies is viewed positively and in the tourism business, however, they say that there are still questions about implementation.

- It is necessary and possible to support the initiative. But how far it can be realized depends on who will control the implementation of these legislative measures and who will execute them, who will be entrusted to form preferential tours, - said "Izvestia" president of the Union of Travel Agencies, a member of the coordinating council on tourism at the Public Chamber Sergei Golov.

According to him, now pensioners already receive preferential tours, but through trade unions.

- The very definition of "social tourism" is good, but it should be not only cheap, but also of high quality," said the business representative, noting that few investments are made in the tourism industry due to low returns and lack of soft loans.

Туристы Алтай
Photo: RIA Novosti/Alexei Malgavko

Against the background of social tasks that the state is already realizing today, it would be advisable to consider measures of support for the accessibility of tourism for socially vulnerable citizens, Ilya Umansky, President of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (RST), told Izvestia.

He recalled that the Russian Federation had a good experience in providing children's cashback (compensation for a trip to a children's camp). This measure helped to increase the availability of recreation for families with children, as well as sending schoolchildren to children's camps.

It is necessary to solve the problem of accessibility of recreation also against the background of rising prices for transportation and hotel services, the expert summarized.

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