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The federal budget deficit in the next three years may be less than planned. Vladimir Putin said this on November 19 at a meeting with the leader of "New People" Alexei Nechayev. The authorities intend to achieve this through the growth of treasury revenues. The leader of the youngest party of the State Duma proposed several initiatives for this purpose, including increasing the cost of a patent for foreign citizens to work in Russia and expanding the list of countries with increased duties on imports. Whether in the Russian Federation can appear "migrant ID" and what function perform "New People" in the internal political structure of the country - in the material "Izvestia".

What Vladimir Putin talked about with the leader of "New People"

A series of meetings between Vladimir Putin and the heads of political factions in the State Duma has reached the "equator". On November 19, the leader of the youngest party, New People, Alexei Nechayev, arrived in the Kremlin. In the 2021 elections to the State Duma of the VIII convocation, this political force won 15 deputy mandates. Thus, it became the first party in more than 20 years to form its own faction in the State Duma, adding to the pool of regulars in the lower house of parliament, which previously included United Russia, the CPRF, the LDPR and Just Russia - For Truth.

For most of the meeting, Vladimir Putin and Alexei Nechaev discussed the draft federal budget for 2025-2027, which the State Duma approved in the second reading on November 14. It was supported by the votes of United Russia, the LDPR and the New People party. The CPRF and Just Russia - For Truth factions abstained. Oksana Dmitrieva, a non-faction deputy, spoke against. By the second reading of the budget, the deputies adopted 888 amendments out of 1.1 thousand proposed, redistributing Br8.1 trillion. The largest group of changes for the next three years concerned the national projects - for example, the authorities are laying down additional funds to equip and re-equip hospitals, expand the chemical industry, finance hotels and create year-round resorts. The third and final reading of the draft budget is scheduled for November 21.

Лидер партии «Новые люди» Алексей Нечаев во время встречи с президентом РФ Владимиром Путиным

New People party leader Alexei Nechayev during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Photo: RIA Novosti/Vyacheslav Prokofiev

Alexei Nechaev added that although the New People supported the document, he is concerned that the budget for 2025-2027 has been drawn up with a deficit. The draft financial plan assumes a shortfall of Br1.17 trillion, or 0.5% of GDP, in 2025, Br2.18 trillion, or 0.9% of GDP, in 2026, and Br1.1% of GDP, or 2.76 trillion, in 2027. The President specified that the deficit is expected to be small. "Indeed, it is small. But after all, we are used to having a surplus budget for many years, and we want to live with a reserve, so that we always have one," said Alexei Nechayev.

- In fact, I expect to have more revenue, so the deficit will be smaller," said Vladimir Putin. - Your opinion is interesting, because you work directly with entrepreneurs and feel this environment.

Президент РФ Владимир Путин во время встречи с лидером партии «Новые люди» Алексеем Нечаевым

Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with New People party leader Alexei Nechayev.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Vyacheslav Prokofiev

Today, the New People fulfill an important function in the country's internal political structure - they respond to requests to the authorities from that category of citizens who are called "the progressive part of society," said political scientist Dmitry Yelovsky. Predominantly, these are residents of large cities who need political representation in the form of a young party.

At the same time, it is still searching for its political style and means of communication with its electoral base, but New People already has more victories than defeats, so they are actively increasing their influence in the political system, the expert believes.

- Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they miss. But there is no such thing as a perfect movement in politics. You need a very deep understanding of your electorate, experience, flair and broad analytics," says Dmitry Yelovsky.

The party's proposals to increase revenues

Alexei Nechaev presented the vision of the faction to increase budget revenues. In particular, he proposed to "expand the range of countries" that will pay increased duties (35%) on goods from Russia, or to introduce them altogether for all states of the collective West, the deputy believes. He recalled that the decision for unfriendly countries on a number of goods has already brought in the budget 27 billion rubles. However, Vladimir Putin thought that it is important to approach the topic of expanding the volume of increased duties on imported goods in relation to Western countries in such a way that the interests of the Russian Federation are not affected.

Грузовой терминал
Photo: Izvestia/Mitriy Korotayev

Other proposals include a 50% increase in the cost of a patent for foreign citizens to work in Russia. Moreover, Alexei Nechaev proposes to make the registration itself paid, as well as to introduce fees for the patent. "Now it's all free, and if even, for example, to make 5 thousand (rubles. - "Izvestia") per person, it will be another 10 billion a year in budget revenues," - says Alexei Nechaev.

Иностранный гражданин получил трудовой патент
Photo: RIA Novosti/Kirill Kallinikov

This additional money will make it possible to retrofit the border control system with biometrics, which will make it possible to obtain information about the identity of the visitor and information about being in Russia. "Such arose even a metaphor - to make a "migrant ID" so that we can see what is happening where," - said the parliamentarian.

Photo: Izvestia/Alexander Kazakov

The meeting also touched upon the law on mining, the provisions of which came into force on November 1. It fixed the procedure and conditions for conducting this activity. Now Russian legal entities and IEs included in the register of the Ministry of Finance will be entitled to engage in cryptocurrency mining. Russians without sole proprietorships will be able to engage in mining without inclusion in the register if they do not exceed the energy consumption limits set by the government. In September, at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum, the head of state noted that Russia is already considered one of the world leaders in crypto mining, and this is due, among other things, to a surplus of energy capacity in Siberia. However, at a meeting with Alexei Nechaev, Vladimir Putin said that even in surplus regions today there may not be enough electricity.

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